Information brochures - further reading

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has produced a number of information brochures in relation to prospecting in Western Australia. There are also brochures outlining the range of mining titles available, how to apply for them, fees and rentals applicable as well as the requirements to keep mining titles in good standing.

These brochures include:

How to obtain a Miner's right - 731 Kb

How to obtain a Miner's right.

Prospecting in Western Australia - 2987 Kb

A reference guide providing visiting prospectors with a summary of their rights and obligations.

Prospecting, Exploration, Mining on Pastoral Leases - 254 Kb

The aim of this pamphlet is to provide a commonsense approach to prospecting, exploring and mining on pastoralleases whilst still conforming with the requirements of the Mining Act 1978

Seven golden rules for prospecting - 1208 Kb

Seven golden rules for prospecting

Mining act guidelines – basic provisions - 629 Kb

Mining act guidelines Basic provisions

Private land provisions - 636 Kb

Private land provisions

Process for bringing minerals-to-owner land under the Mining Act 1978 - 259 Kb

Process for bringing minerals-to-owner land under the Mining Act 1978

Prospecting on Crown land within exploration licences (Section 40E permit system) - 346 Kb

Section 40E permit system- Access to prospect on Crown land within an exploration licence

Marking out and applying for mining tenements - 492 Kb

Marking out and applying for mining tenements

Exploration licences - graticular boundary system - 1518 Kb

Exploration licences - graticular boundary system

Special prospecting licence (for gold) - 324 Kb

Special prospecting licence(for gold)

Grant of mining tenements involving reserved lands, townsites, foreshore, seabed and navigable waters (reserved lands) - 507 Kb

Grant of mining tenements involving reserved lands, townsites, foreshore, seabed and navigable waters(reserved lands) - section 24, 24A and 25 Mining Act 1978 apply.

State Offshore Minerals Act 2003 - information paper - 131 Kb

Information paper: State's offshore Minerals Act 2003 commencement 1 January 2011

Map - three mineral legislation jurisdictions Western Australia - 116 Kb

Map showing WA's 3 Mineral legislation jurisdictions

Commonwealth of Australia Offshore Minerals Act 1994 - 39 Kb

Commonwealth of Australia Offshore Minerals Act 1994

List of Standard Conditions and Endorsements - 215 Kb

As of December 2024

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in each of these information brochures is intended as a guide only and is not intended to be a substitute for understanding the statutory requirements of the Mining Act 1978 and Regulations, or any other relevant legislation.

This information is provided in good faith and believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication. However, the content of each brochure is provided on the basis that a reader will be solely responsible for making their own assessment of the information and its veracity and usefulness. View DMIRS’s full disclaimer statement under the department's accessibility and copyright pages.