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Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Tengraph (Web) Help

Lines can be created by entering a bearing and distance. Before you begin to construct a line in this method you will need to create a starting point. This point can be created precisely by one of the methods described above or by clicking any location on the map using the create Point tool.

When you select the Point tool, you activate the Style, Size and Colour tools. You can use these tools to change the style of your point to a circle, cross, diamond, square, or triangle shape. You can also change the size of your point and the colour.

In the example shown we want to start our line at the corner of a mining tenement.


Create a starting point for your line.

Click on the create Point tool and hold the Ctrl key to snap to a mining tenement corner.

Open the Enhanced Plotting Tools drop-down menu, and select the Create line by bearing and distance tool.

Using your mouse identify your previously constructed starting point on the map.

Your selected starting point will change to yellow.

The system will prompt you to enter a distance in metres and a bearing in (DMS format) as shown below.

Selecting the  button will create the line based on the data entered.


Select  if you wish to create another line by bearing and distance.

Select  to close this tool.




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