Flora, fauna and technology vying for the coveted Golden Gecko Award

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Awards for Excellence Ceremony will be held on 26 October 2017.
Date: Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Five eligible projects vying for the 2017 Golden Gecko Awards are diverse, ranging from the protection of woodlands and quolls, to innovative uses for technology and restoring unique landforms.

Three of this year’s entries have a rehabilitation focus, while the other entries include a Northern Quoll protection program and a system which reduces the environmental impacts of exploration.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) Acting Executive Director Environment, Karen Caple said these projects have demonstrated unique solutions to protecting the environment or rehabilitating areas after mining.

"These projects have been carefully assessed against four criteria including commitment to environmental excellence, evidence of excellent environmental outcomes, community engagement and innovation," Ms Caple said.

"We are really encouraged by the continuing high standards we are seeing from the resources sector, that they never cease to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries to ensure our environmental standards are leading the world.

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the five nominees and thank them for sharing their expertise and innovative thinking with the industry."

The Golden Gecko Award assessments were undertaken by a panel comprising of key government agencies including representatives from; Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions; Water and Environmental Regulation; Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation; and Primary Industries and Regional Development and DMIRS. The panel’s combined expertise is used by the Golden Gecko Selection Committee to decide the winner(s).

The awards will be presented at DMIRS’ annual Awards for Excellence night on Thursday 26 October 2017 along with the Community Partnership Resources Sector Award and, for the first time, the Safety and Health Resources Sector Awards.

A free seminar to be held prior to the Awards Ceremony will provide more in-depth insights into these projects.

Information on the Golden Gecko Awards is available on the DMIRS website at www.dmp.wa.gov.au/goldengecko.


Golden Gecko Awards for Environmental Excellence 2017 Nominees

Banksia Woodlands – A Restoration Guide for the Swan Coastal Plain - Hanson Construction Materials and Kings Park and Botanic Gardens

This resource provides the first comprehensive overview for practitioners, researchers and policy makers to assist Banksia woodland restoration activities and decisions, and a platform from which to build future strategies so these iconic systems remain an important part of the ecosystem.

Protecting our Northern Quolls from Introduced Predators - Rio Tinto Iron Ore

In collaboration with the Department of Parks and Wildlife, Rio Tinto developed a threatened species plan to offset residual impacts to the Pilbara Olive Python and Northern Quoll for the Yandicoogina JSW and Oxbow Project in the Pilbara.

Venturi Reverse Circulation Drilling Waste Removal System - Rio Tinto Iron Ore

After successfully developing and implementing the Venturi Reverse Circulation Drilling Waste Removal System into its exploratory drilling activities to address safety concerns, Rio Tinto Iron Ore also achieved several environmental benefits including reducing required ground disturbance, reducing hydrocarbon use and better managing drilling waste.

Utilising Mining Technology for the Tracking and Management of Rehabilitation Materials - Roy Hill Holdings

Roy Hill Holdings has discovered the benefits of utilising technology to track rehabilitation materials, including automated storage of data, effective tracking and management of materials, management of weed infested topsoil, use as an auditing system and the potential to manage hostile wastes.

Leading Practice in Banded Iron Formation Restoration - Sinosteel Midwest Corporation and the Botanic Garden and Parks Authority

Sinosteel Midwest Corporation formed a seven year research partnership with Kings Park Science (Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority) to tackle the complex environmental and biodiversity issues associated with post mining restoration of a Threatened Ecological Community in a banded iron formation (BIF) landform.