Mine safety regulators give full support for drug raids

DMP supports Police raids for illicit drugs on FMG mine site.
Date: Wednesday, 03 December 2014

Police raids and random drug testing at FMG’s Christmas Creek mine site get regulators full support 

The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) gave its full support for today’s proactive Police raids and random drug testing at FMG’s Christmas Creek mine site.

Resources Safety Division Director and State Mining Engineer Andrew Chaplyn said there was no room for any drug use on WA mine sites.

“Safety in any work place is paramount, but in the resources sector it is critical and there has to be a zero tolerance for any illicit drug use to ensure the health and safety of every worker on site,” he said.

“Every worker takes on their position at a mine site knowing the policies on illicit drug use and should be adhering to those policies and they also have obligations under the Mines Safety Inspection Act.”

Mr Chaplyn said his inspectors worked closely with all companies to ensure they establish and maintain at all times, under all conditions, the safe systems of work demanded by the legislation.

“As the State regulator the DMP’s role is to ensure operators provide safe systems and adhere to the conditions they establish.

“The significant improvements we are committed to achieving through reform for resources safety will only occur when every person working in the industry accepts personal responsibility for working safely at all times.”