DMP is responsible for ensuring the State’s resources sector is developed and managed responsibly for the benefit of all Western Australians.

About us

DMP office locations

DMP office locations

DMP is responsible for ensuring the State’s resources sector is developed and managed responsibly for the benefit of all Western Australians.

The department employs approximately 750 full time equivalent staff. The majority are located at Mineral House, which is the department’s head office at 100 Plain Street in East Perth, and at 1 Adelaide Terrace in East Perth.

Regional offices at Collie, Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Leonora, Marble Bar, Meekatharra, Mount Magnet, Norseman and Southern Cross accommodate mining registrars for the administration of mineral titles. The largest regional office is in Kalgoorlie which accommodates safety, environment, mineral titles and geological officers, as well as the Joe Lord Core Library.

The department has an office in Bunbury with responsibility for the South West Hub Carbon Capture and Storage project, and regional liaison officers based in Broome, Karratha and Kalgoorlie.

Section highlights

Our Plan for Success guides service delivery and sets the strategic vision to achieve the department’s mission: To contribute to making Western Australia the destination of choice for responsible resource exploration and development.