Wardens Court

Proceedings in Wardens Courts
Please note: As of the 2nd of June 2020, subject to compliance with the social distancing requirements, all parties and their representatives are to remain outside the court until their matter is called. Once your matter is concluded please leave the court room immediately. The matters in the Wardens Court will proceed in this way until further notice.

The Wardens Court is constituted under the Mining Act 1978 (WA) and its jurisdiction extends throughout Western Australia.

Any person holding office as a stipendiary magistrate may be appointed as a warden and can preside in a Wardens Court. All proceedings relating to a mining tenement must be filed at any office of the Wardens Court for any of the designated districts in which the mining tenement lies. A Wardens Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine all actions, suits and other proceedings recognised by any court of civil jurisdiction as set out in Sec 132 of the act.

A Wardens Court has power to make orders on all matters within its jurisdiction as set out in Sec 134 of the act. Hearings in the Wardens Courts are held in open court and witness evidence may be obtained by subpoena. Evidence is given under oath or by affirmation and the normal rules of evidence apply as set out in Sec 138 of the act. The order of counsel’s addresses is determined in the Local Court. Decisions arising from the various Wardens Courts may be published in the archive of Wardens Court decisions if given a decision number by the warden.

Note: please contact Online Services if you are unable to locate the decisions you are after.

For general enquiries, contact the Perth Wardens Court Team:
Email: wardens.officer@dmirs.wa.gov.au

Part IV proceedings

Amendments to the Mining Regulations 1981, published in the Government Gazette in July 2020, allow parties appearing before the Warden in the early stages of Part IV Proceedings to be represented by either a lawyer or an agent without seeking special leave.

Part IV Proceedings relate to applications or objections under Part IV of the Mining Act 1978, including applications for mining tenements, forfeiture, exemption from expenditure conditions and restoration.

The amendments entitle people or commercial entities to be represented by an agent who is not a lawyer at the initial administrative stage of proceedings, known as a mention hearing, without seeking the leave of the Warden in exceptional circumstances.

Parties are still required to obtain the leave of the Warden due to exceptional circumstances to be represented by an agent who is not a lawyer at an interlocutory or substantive hearing. The leave must be sought at least 14 days before the first hearing at which the agent will represent the party.

A party wishing to be represented by either an agent or a lawyer must lodge a Notice of Representation or Change in Representation with the Warden’s Officer or Mining Registrar where the matter is being held.

View the list of Wardens Court dates in 2024.

View the list of Wardens Court dates in 2025.

The Wardens Court Listings (cause lists) can be enquired upon using the Warden’s Court Noticeboard. The Noticeboard will display the Court venue address and the presiding Warden.

The archive of Wardens Court Decisions can be enquired upon using the Warden’s Court Noticeboard. The Noticeboard can be used to enquire on the full list of published decisions.

The archive of Wardens Court Listings (pre 28 February 2023) can be viewed here. Refer to the Wardens Court Noticeboard for Listings post that date.

View archived Wardens Court Listings


Wardens Court practice directions and circulars to practitioners

Practice direction or circular to practitioner number Topic
CP6 of 2024 Notification of an important question of statutory construction (related to CP3 of 2023)
CP5 of 2024 Listings update - return to Central Law Courts
CP4 of 2024 Further listings update
CP3 of 2024 Listings Update
CP2 of 2024 Notification of an important question of statutory construction (related to CP3 of 2023)
CP1 of 2024 Notification of a change in the composition of the Court
CP3 of 2023 Notification of an important question of statutory construction.
PD4 of 2023 Part IV and V Proceedings before the Warden sitting in Mount Magnet
CP2 of 2023 Notification of template forms
CP1 of 2023 Conduct of the Meekatharra list
PD3 of 2023 Part V Proceedings before the Warden sitting in Karratha, Meekatharra and Marble Bar
PD2 of 2023 Listings before the Warden sitting in Meekatharra
PD1 of 2023 Mention Lists before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD7 of 2022 Covid-19, matters listed before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD6 of 2022 Mediations of matters before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD5 of 2022 Miscellaneous Matters and Related Party Objections before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD4 of 2022 Provision of Electronic Materials for matters before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD3 of 2022 Trial Allocation Day for matters before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD2 of 2022 Interlocutory Applications before the Warden sitting in Perth
PD1 of 2022 Rescinded by Practice Direction 1 of 2023
PD1 of 2021 Procedure for Consent Minutes in Part IV Proceedings before the before the Warden sitting in Kalgoorlie & Leonora
PD1 of 2017 Practice Direction rescinding Practice Direction 1 of 2014
PD1 of 2015

Listings before the Warden sitting in Coolgardie

PD1 of 2014

Rescinded by Practice Direction 1 of 2017

PD1 of 2012 Listings before the Warden sitting in Karratha & Marble Bar

Warden’s Court forms

Form 3A - Claim for Compensation and Consent for an Informal Determination by the Warden - 15 Kb

Claim for Compensation and Consent for an Informal Determination by the Warden *MTO lodgement available

Form 15 - Application for Forfeiture - 74 Kb

Form 15 - Application for Forfeiture *MTO lodgement available

Notice of Representation Form - 358 Kb

Notice of Representation/Change of Representation

Wardens Court order templates

Minute of consent orders to vacate mention hearing and relist - 20 Kb

Template number 1

Minute of consent orders for programming of particulars - 20 Kb

Template number 2

Minute of consent orders for programming of evidence - 20 Kb

Template number 3

Minute of consent order to withdraw objection and vacate hearing - 20 Kb

Template number 4

Minute of consent order to withdraw application and vacate hearing - 20 Kb

Template number 5

Minute of consent orders for trial listing - 20 Kb

Template number 6

Minute of programming directions by consent - 24 Kb

Template number 7