Nominated Party (MRF)

The Nominated Party is a tenement holder or agent which has been nominated under section 37A(2) and 37A(3) of the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012 as the party to receive the original Assessment Notice and / or Reassessment / Adjustment Notice.  The Nominated Party is recorded for each unique partnership arrangement.  All other parties may receive copies of the Notices.

All tenement holders are jointly and severably liable for payment of the MRF.

On close of the Levy Period, the Department will default a Nominated Party if no party has been supplied.

The Nominated Party may be modified within the MRF Submission or via the MRF Nominated Party area. 

Accessing the MRF Nominated Party

The MRF Nominated Party can be updated via

  1. Step 4 as part of completing the MRF submission, or
  2. the menu [MRF] > [MRF Nominated Party] > [Search] (see below).

To find a specific party enter the appropriate criteria and click [Search].  The Tenement Holder and Nominated Party will allow a partial search on name.  The Email must be full and complete email address.


Any details matching the supplied Search Criteria will be displayed in the Results area. 

The results will be limited to those tenement holders to which the logged in user has been granted security access.

Click  in the Results to maintain the MRF Nominated Party.

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