The west Musgrave Province project team has carried out geoscientific investigations including detailed geological mapping to advance our knowledge of the region’s tectonic evolution and prospectivity.
From 2003–2014, the Musgrave mapping team carried out detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 scale in the main project area between Warburton and Wingellina and at 1:250 000 scale at the northern and southern boundaries of the project area, where the Musgrave Province is in contact with the Amadeus and Officer Basins, respectively. High-quality lithogeochemical, isotopic and geochronological data were collected routinely and have been used as mapping tools and to unravel the geological history of the region and its deep crustal architecture. Geophysical datasets, including aeromagnetic and gravity, deep seismic reflection and magnetotelluric (MT) data have together provided multi-disciplinary earth imaging to further our geological understanding of the earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Musgrave region.
Links to GSWA’s and other publications are provided below. The West Musgrave 2017 Geological Information Series package is the most up-to-date compilation for the project.
Evolution of the Musgrave Province

The Musgrave Province lies at the junction of three Proterozoic structural trends formed by the amalgamation of the North, West, and South Australian Cratons, and is one of the most important regions in terms of understanding the geological evolution of Proterozoic central Australia.
The oldest known basement component in the west Musgrave Province is the orthogneiss of the 1600–1550 Ma Warlawurru Supersuite; however, Hf isotopic data from zircons in magmatic and sedimentary rocks throughout the Musgrave Province suggest there was also a significant juvenile crust formation event at 1950–1900 Ma. A small exposure of the c. 1400 Ma Papulankutja Supersuite exists to the south of Mount Scott.
During the 1345–1293 Ma Mount West Orogeny, voluminous calc-alkaline plutonism was accompanied by clastic and volcaniclastic basin formation. This stage traced the evolution of an arc, reflecting the final amalgamation of the combined North and West Australian Cratons to the South Australian Craton.
At the beginning of the 1220–1150 Ma Musgrave Orogeny, the crust was thinned substantially during the initiation of a high heat flow event characterised by c. 100 Ma of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism and of high-temperature, anhydrous, alkali-calcic magmatism that maintained the thin crustal regime.
Voluminous magmatism was triggered during the 1090–1040 Ma Giles Event with the evolution of the magmatism-dominated, Ngaanyatjarra Rift. This event produced more than 50 million years of almost continuous, mantle-derived bimodal magmatism, generating one of the world’s largest layered mafic intrusions and some of the most voluminous felsic (alkali-calcic to alkali) volcanic eruptions — some of supervolcano volume.
Despite minor mafic dyke intrusion at c. 1000, 825 and 750 Ma, the Musgrave Province is commonly regarded as tectonically quiescent until intracontinental reactivation during the 580–520 Ma Petermann Orogeny.
Deformation during the Petermann Orogeny produced east-trending crustal-scale faults and shear zones that dissect the entire Musgrave Province. Metamorphic conditions during the Petermann Orogeny approached eclogite facies south of the Woodroffe Thrust, and amphibolite facies or lower in the north-verging Petermann Nappe Complex.
Report 134 Mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Giles Event, Western Australia
Report 134 Data Additional data for Report 134: Mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Giles Event, Western Australia
Report 118 Geochemical evolution of rhyolites of the Talbot Sub-basin
Report 117 Mineral systems analysis of the west Musgrave Province
Report 116 Provenance of the 1340-1270 Ma Ramarama Basin in the west Musgrave Province
Report 115 A multi-isotopic approach to the crustal evolution of the west Musgrave Province
Report 114 Imaging crustal structure in the west Musgrave Province
Report 106 Petrogenesis of Mesoproterozoic felsic rocks in the Musgrave Province
Explanatory notes 2011 Explanatory Notes for the west Musgrave Province
Detailed descriptions of all lithological units in the west Musgrave Province can be accessed through the Explanatory Notes System (ENS).
Record 2016/4 Geochronology of the Warlawurru Supersuite and MacDougall Formation
Record 2013/28 Yilgarn Craton - Officer Basin - Musgrave Province deep seismic reflection survey
Record 2010/6 Redefining the Giles Event within the setting of the 1120 - 1020 Ma Ngaanyatjarra Rift
Record 2009/16 Age and geochemistry of the Alcurra suite in the west Musgrave Province
Record 2008/19 The west Musgrave Complex - new geological insights
Student theses
Report 172 Petrogenesis of the mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Giles Event
Report 171 The volcanology and petrogenesis of the Kathleen Ignimbrite
Report 166 Thermo-mechanical evolution of orogeny in the Musgrave Province
Record 2009/12 Geological framework for intracratonic reworking in the Musgrave Block
Record 2009/13 Age constraints and deformation history of the Shag Hill mylonites
Record 2009/14 Complex strain in mylonites from the western Musgraves, North of the Mann Fault
Record 2009/15 Constraining the metamorphic evolution of the Latitude Hills
Record 2009/23 Structure and provenance of the Bentley Supergroup
Record 2009/24 Age constraints and structure of the Cohn Hill Shear Zone
West Musgrave, 2017 West Musgrave, 2017 Geological Information Series
Geological Interpretation of the west Musgrave Province (2016)
Bates WA Sheet 4646 (2nd edition)
Bell Rock WA Sheet 4645 (2nd edition)
Blackstone WA Sheet 4545
Holt WA Sheet 4546
Cooper WA Sheet 4445
Finlayson WA Sheet 4446
Mount Eveline WA Sheet 4345
Bentley WA sheet 4346
Warburton Range WA Sheet 4245
Golden Point WA Sheet 4246
Diorite WA Sheet 4347
Further Publications
2017 |
Proterozoic crustal evolution of the Eucla basement, Australia: Implications for destruction of oceanic crust during emergence of Nuna |
Kirkland, CL, Smithies, R, Spaggiari, C, Wingate, M, Quentin de Gromard, R, Clark, C, Gardiner, N and Belousova, E Lithos 278-281, 427–444 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2017.01.029 |
2015 | Piggyback Supervolcanoes - Long-Lived, Voluminous, Juvenile Rhyolite Volcanism in Mesoproterozoic central Australia |
Smithies, RH, Howard, HM, Kirkland, CL, Korhonen, FJ, Medlin, CK, Maier, WD, Quentin de Gromard, R and Wingate, MTD Journal of Petrology. 56, 735–763 doi:10.1093/petrology/egv015 |
2015 | Syn-volcanic cannibalisation of juvenile felsic crust: Superimposed giant 18O-depleted rhyolite systems in the hot and thinned crust of Mesoproterozoic central Australia |
Smithies, RH, Kirkland, CL, Cliff, JB, Howard, HM and Quentin de Gromard, R Earth and Planetary Science Letters 424, 15–25 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.05.005 |
2015 | Foreign contempories – unravelling disparate isotopic signatures from Mesoproterozoic Central and Western Australia |
Kirkland, CL, Smithies, RH and Spaggiari, CV Precambrian Research 265, 218–231 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2014.12.001 |
2015 | Magmatic ore deposits in mafic–ultramafic intrusions of the Giles Event,Western Australia |
Maier, WD, Howard, HM, Smithies, RH, Yang, SH, Barnes, S-J , O'Brien, H, Huhma, H and Gardoll, S Ore Geology Reviews 71, 405–436 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.06.010 |
2014 |
The burning heart - the Proterozoic geology and geological evolution of the west Musgrave Region, central Australia |
Howard, HM, Smithies, RH, Kirkland, CL, Kelsey, DE, Aitken, A, Wingate, MTD, Quentin de Gromard, R, Spaggiari CV and Maier WD Gondwana Research, 27, 64–94 doi:10.1016/ |
2014 |
The Mesoproterozoic thermal evolution of the Musgrave Province in central Australia – plume vs. the geological record |
Smithies, RH, Kirkland, CL, Korhonen, FJ, Aitken, ARA, Howard, HM, Maier, WD, Wingate, MTD, Quentin de Gromard, R, Gessner, K Gondwana Research, 27, 1419–1429 doi:10.1016/ |
2014 |
Ultra-hot Mesoproterozoic evolution of intracontinental central Australia |
Gorczyk W, Smithies RH, Korhonen, F, Howard HM and Quentin de Gromard R Geoscience Frontiers doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2014.03.001 |
2014 |
P–T–t evolution of a large, long-lived, ultrahigh-temperature Grenvillian belt in Central Australia |
Walsh, AK, Kelsey, DE, Kirkland, CL, Hand, M, Smithies, RH, Clark, C and Howard, HM Gondwana Research 28, 531–564 doi:10.1016/ |
2014 |
Petrogenesis of the A-type, Mesoproterozoic intracaldera rheomorphic Kathleen Ignimbrite and co-magmatic Rowland suite intrusions, west Musgrave Province, central Australia: products of extreme fractional crystallisation in a failed rift setting |
Medlin CC, Jowitt, SM, Cas, RAF, Smithies, RH, Kirkland, CL, Maas, RA, Raveggi, M, Howard, HM and Wingate, MTD Journal of Petrology 56, 493–525 doi:10.1093/petrology/egv007 |
2013 |
Constraints and deception in the isotopic record; the crustal evolution of the west Musgrave Province, central Australia |
Kirkland, CL, Smithies, RH, Woodhouse, AJ, Howard, HM, Wingate, MTD, Belousova, EA, Cliff, JB, Murphy, RC and Spaggiari, CV Gondwana Research 23, 759–781 doi:10.1016/ |
2012 |
Magmatism-dominated intracontinental rifting in the Mesoproterozoic: The Ngaanyatjarra Rift, central Australia |
Aitken, ARA, Smithies, RH, Dentith, MC, Joly, A, Evans, S and Howard, HM Gondwana Research, 24, 886–901 doi:10.1016/ |
2011 |
On the edge: U–Pb, Lu–Hf, and Sm–Nd data suggests reworking of the Yilgarn Craton margin during formation of the Albany–Fraser Orogen |
Kirkland, CL, Spaggiari, CV, Pawley, MJ, Wingate, MTD, Smithies, RH, Howard, HM, Tyler, IM, Belousova, EA and Poujol, M Precambrian Research, 187, 223–247 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.03.002 |
2011 |
High temperature granite magmatism, crust–mantle interaction and the Mesoproterozoic intracontinental evolution of the Musgrave Province, central Australia |
Smithies, RH, Howard, HM, Evins, PM, Kirkland, CL, Kelsey, DE, Hand, M, Wingate, MTD, Collins, AS and Belousova, E Journal of Petrology 52, 931–958. |
2010 |
Devil in the detail; The 1150–1000 Ma magmatic and structural evolution of the Ngaanyatjarra Rift, west Musgrave Province, central Australia |
Evins, PM, Smithies, RH, Howard, HM, Kirkland, CL, Wingate, MTD and Bodorkos, S Precambrian Research 183, 572–588 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2010.02.011 |
2010 |
The anatomy of a deep intracontinental orogen |
Raimondo, T, Collins, AS, Hand, M, Walker-Hallam, A, Smithies, RH, Evins, PM and Howard, HM Tectonics 29, doi:10.1029/2009TC002504 |
2009 |
Ediacaran intracontinental channel flow |
Raimondo, T, Collins, AS, Hand, M, Walker-Hallam, A, Smithies, RH, Evins, PM and Howard, HM Geology 37, 291–294 doi:10.1130/G25452A.1 |

This work was supported and facilitated by the local Traditional Owners and the Ngaanyatjarra Council.
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