GSWA Open Day 2020

The Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) hosted its annual Open Day on Friday 21 February 2020.
This was a great opportunity to hear presentations on the latest results from GSWA's geoscience programs, including collaborative work with CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, Curtin University, and the Centre for Exploration Targeting.
Activities and results of the Exploration Incentive Scheme were outlined including the launch of Round 21 of the Government Co-funded Exploration Drilling program.
You can use the hashtag #GSWA2020 to follow conversations related to GSWA Open Day 2020.
Contact details
Main contact | Jenna Meehan |
Phone | (08) 9222 3646 | |
GSWA Open Day 2020 Facebook page
GSWA Open Day 2020 LinkedIn page
GSWA Open Day 2020 presentations
Products released 1 July 2018 – 1 February 2020
Western Capricorn Orogen GIS 2018
Kimberley GIS 2018
Murchison GIS 2018
Tanami–Arunta GIS 2018
WA Petroleum Day, 2018
2018 Carnarvon Basin SEEBASE Study and GIS
1:100 000 State interpreted bedrock geology of Western Australia, 2019
1:500 000 State regolith geology of northern Western Australia, 2018
Compilation of geochronology information, 2019
Compilation of HyLogger records, 2019
Compilation of WAROX data, 2019
Drillholes related to coal exploration in the Canning, Eucla, northern Perth and Southern Carnarvon Basins
East Albany–Fraser Orogen, 2018: 3D Geomodel Series
West Musgrave GIS 2019
Lawlers Anticline 3D, 2014
Murchison GIS 2019
Western Australian geoscientific imagery, 2019
Aboriginal land, conservation areas, mineral and petroleum titles and geology, Western Australia – 2019
Major resource projects, Western Australia – 2019
Mineral deposits and major petroleum projects, Western Australia – 2019
Mines – operating and under development, Western Australia – 2019
Western Australia Atlas of mineral deposits and major petroleum projects, 2019
Report 184 Regional seismic interpretation and structure of the southern Perth Basin
Report 188 Petroleum geochemistry and petroleum systems of the Perth Basin
Report 189 A magnetotelluric survey across the east Albany–Fraser Orogen, Western Australia
Report 190 Multi-scaled near surface exploration using ultrafine soils
Report 191 2018 Carnarvon Basin SEEBASE Report
Report 192 Mafic–ultramafic intrusions of the Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton
Report 193 A seismic interpretation of the Broome Platform, Willara Sub-basin and Munro Arch of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Report 194 In situ U–Pb geochronology of hydrothermal xenotime and monazite to date gold mineralization in the northern Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
Report 195 The cooling and exhumation of the Albany–Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, constrained by 40Ar/39Ar, Rb/Sr and U/Pb thermochronology
Report 197 Zircon fingerprinting of magmatic–hydrothermal systems in the Archean Yilgarn Craton
Report 198 Komatiite characteristics of the Fisher East nickel sulfide prospects: implications for nickel prospectivity in the northeastern Kurnalpi Terrane
Report 199 Stratigraphy and structure in the Neoarchaean of the Kalgoorlie district, Australia: Critical controls on greenstone-hosted gold deposits
Report 201 Structural and geochemical evolution of the Yalgoo
Report 202 Gravitational Instabilities Beneath the Continents
Record 2017/1 Geological Survey work program for 2017–18 and beyond
Record 2018/1 Geological Survey work program 2018–19 and beyond
Record 2018/8 Geology, resources and exploration potential of the Ellendale diamond project, west Kimberley, Western Australia
Record 2018/11 The Cryogenian Aralka Formation, Amadeus Basin: a basinwide biostratigraphic correlation
Record 2018/12 Capricorn Orogen rutile study: a combined EBSD and laser ablation split stream (LASS) analytical approach
Record 2018/13 (U–Th)/He dating of ferruginous duricrust, Boddington gold mine, Western Australia
Record 2018/15 A new look at lamprophyres and sanukitoids, and their relationship to the Black Flag Group and gold prospectivity
Record 2019/1 Geological Survey work program for 2019–20 and beyond
Record 2019/2 GSWA 2019 extended abstracts: advancing the prospectivity of Western Australia
Record 2019/3 Metamorphic history of the Mougooderra Formation, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Record 2019/4 Compilation of geophysical modelling records, 2019
Record 2019/5 Mesozoic coal resources of the northern Perth Basin: exploration and evaluation history
Record 2019/6 Cenozoic coal resources of southern Western Australia: exploration and evaluation history
Record 2019/7 A syn-depositional sill intrusive model for the Golden Mile Dolerite, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Record 2019/8 Metamorphic and isotopic characterisation of Proterozoic belts at the margins of the North and West Australian Cratons
Record 2019/9 Application of rapid benchtop X-ray powder diffractometry for identification and characterization of mineral phases in geological materials
Record 2019/10 Coal resources of the Canning Basin, Western Australia: exploration and evaluation history
Record 2020/3 The geodynamic context of Archean volcanism in the western Yilgarn Craton
Record 2020/4 The Deflector Au–Cu Deposit: Defining an anomalous Yilgarn Craton mineralisation style using trace element geochemistry
Stromatolite assemblage including Eleonora boondawarica and Acaciella savoryensis from mineral drillhole 07THD003
Understanding the Meckering earthquake, Western Australia, 14 October 1968
F52644–F52652: Tonian stromatolite Tungussia erecta Walter 1972 in the Pollock Hills, Amadeus Basin, Western Australia
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter July 2018 number 87
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter October 2018 number 88
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter January 2019 number 89
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter April 2019 number 90
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter July 2019 number 91
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter October 2019 number 92
Fieldnotes: GSWA newsletter January 2020 number 93
GSWA Calendar 2019
GSWA Calendar 2020
View posters and presentations from GSWA Open Day 2019.